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"2023 Excellence in Concrete Award"
Kearns Zone D 5 MG Water Tank

Recipient of the AGC of Utah Civil/Public Works Project of the Year Award
Silver Creek Water Reclamation Water Facility
This project includes construction of a new 4 MGD wastewater treatment facility. The new plant is compromised of a new headworks building, solids building, equalization basins, bioreactors, clarifiers, solids holding tank, operations building, electrical building, tertiary filter building, and associated valve vaults, yard piping, and site finishes.
This project was constructed around the sewers existing 1.5 MGD plant. Careful coordination was required between construction and district staff to ensure plant operations were not impacted during construction. After the facility was completed, critical tie-ins brought influent to the new plant. At that point, the existing plant was decommissioned and demolished. Gerber Construction self-performed all excavation, backfill, yard piping, interior mechanical piping, reinforcing steel installation, concrete placement, fabrication of structural steel, and installation of structural steel.

Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility
This project, located at 800 Central Valley Road in SLC, is a facility upgrade and expansion that will continue over the next 4 years. The work consists of Soldier Wall shoring install, dewatering, mass excavation and haul off, demolition of existing plant structures and piping, the construction of a 21.7 million-gallon concrete aeration basin, new block and brick electrical building, a 2 MG concrete
anaerobic basin, mechanical piping demo and install, utility piping, process piping, site work and much more.
The construction budget for this project is $123+ Million that will continue through 2024.

North Shore 10MG Water Tank
This 10 million-gallon water tank is currently under construction in Saratoga Springs and will increase the water storage capabilities of the area significantly.

Recipient of ACI 2019 Excellence in Concrete Award
SR-270; 9th South Connector Bridge Rehabilitation, Salt Lake City UT